【sf-0321】 ledger, 2021
Collaborating with Berlin-based design studio HelloMe on the rebranding of crypto-security experts LEDGER, we contributed a fresh take on image content and product photography.

We had the pleasure of translating the entirely new and precise branding system created by HelloMe into an exciting collection of minimal and slick product images and animations, that take reference to contemporary culture and technological aesthetics.
To fully cater to the needs of the client we created three different types of images: Highly stylized artistic expressions around the product to be used in marketing and social media, visually pleasing simulated product photography and a clean analytical representation of each product to be used within the online shop.

【art-directed imagery】

【simulated product photography】

【shop photography】

Design & Direction
someform Studio



someform Studio GmbH
eisenbahnstrasse 5